Chapter 7
Exceptions and Logging

If during execution of this software something goes wrong, and it is possible to detect that, the user shall be notified.

Maven foresees a mechanism to abort the whole build, i.e. lifecycle phase or a single goal and accordingly ant allows to abort a task. In both cases, abortion is implemented by throwing an exception.

A maven plugin aborts a goal throwing a


and a


to abort the life-cycle phase. Since this plugin is just for documentation, there is no need to abort site creation altogether, so only the former exception occurs.

An ant-task aborts an ant-build throwing a

without further distinction.

This software provides both a maven plugin and an ant task built on the same code base. Thus, the maven plugin throws a MojoFailureException if and only if the according ant-task throws an BuildException in the same situation.

Section 7.1 describes the philosophy of throwing an exception and defines in detail under what circumstances which exception is thrown.

Roughly speaking, an exception is thrown only if something is really wrong, e.g. a non-recoverable error or an indication that the build system is out of control or if this plugin/task is likely to destroy the work of another plugin/task.

If something went wrong, but no exception is thrown, the user must be notified by logging and the build process to go on, skipping a section of a task as small as possible. Both, maven and ant provide a logging mechanism with the levels error, warning, info and debug. Section 7.2 describes the errors and warnings; the lot of infos and debugging output are not described here.

Verbosity is chosen by the following command line options:

There seems no way to get warnings only.

Each exception offers a message and also each warning has a warning message. The messages are endowed with a unique identifier of the form KCCDD, where K is the kind which is one of

The shortcut CC describes the class where the exception is thrown or the warning is logged:

Finally, DD is a two digit number enumerating the messages.

WMI01Version string from converter $conv did not match expected form:
$conv: ’version’not?in$interv
Indicates that the version string coming from the converter $conv is not as expected. Programming error excluded, this means that the version does not fit, i.e. is not in $interv.
WMI02$conv: ’$actVersion’not in$interv
Indicates that the version of converter $conv can be detected and is $actVersion but does not fit the expectation which is $expVersion.
Table 7.1:  The logging for MetaInfo
WFU01Cannot read directory ’$dir’;
build may be incomplete.
WFU03Cannot close ’$file’.
EFU05Cannot delete file ’$file’.
EFU06Cannot move file ’$src’ to ’$dest’.
EFU07File ’$srcFile’ to be filtered cannot be read.
WORKAROUND for inkscape filtering eps_tex-file into ptx file: The former is not a readable regular file.
EFU08Destination file ’$destFile’ for filtering cannot be written.
WORKAROUND for inkscape filtering eps_tex-file into ptx file: The latter is not a writable regular file.
EFU09Cannot filter file ’$srcFile’ into ’$destFile’.
WORKAROUND for inkscape filtering eps_tex-file into ptx file: Either reading a line or writing a line failed.
WFU10Cannot overwrite/clean file ’$aFile’
because it is not self-created.
May occur if a file, e.g. .latexmkrc is present in the latex source directory and is not created by this software. To avoid the risk of overwriting or deleting user-written files, only config files written by this software can be overwritten in goal inj or deleted in goal clr.
WFU11Refuse to overwrite/clean file ’$aFile’
because it may be not self-created or has dangling reader.
To avoid the risk of overwriting or deleting user-written files, this software checks whether it was this software which wrote the files by reading the headline. If this is not possible or if the reader to read that headline could not be closed after reading, this warning is emitted. Neither is the file overwritten in goal inj nor is it deleted in goal clr.
Table 7.2:  The logging for TexFileUtils

TBD: check whether workaround still necessary. TBD: complete list TBD: add missing lists

7.1 Exceptions

Exceptions are thrown only if no substantial part of this maven-goal or this ant-task may be completed as if the tex source directory does not exist or is no directory or if a failure occurs which indicates that the underlying system does not work properly, as if the tex source directory or a subdirectory is not readable or if execution of an external program fails. The latter does not mean that the program returns with an error code, but it means that execution from within java fails.

TEX01Error running $command.
Compare with EEX01 in Table 7.9: Error execution means
  • the file expected to be the working directory does not exist or is not a directory.

  • method Runtime.exec(String, String[], File) fails throwing an IOException.

  • an error inside systemOut parser occurs

  • an error inside systemErr parser occurs

  • Wrapping an InterruptedException on the process to be executed thrown by Proces.waitFor().

whereas for EEX01 just a failure code is returned.

Table 7.3:  The BuildFailureExceptions of the class CommandExecutorImpl

TSS01The tex source directory ’$texSrcDirectoryFile’
should be an existing directory, but is not.
The tex source directory is given in the pom/build-file with default value ./src/site/tex. It contains or is $texSrcProcDirectoryFile. Thus is must be a directory.
TSS02The tex source processing directory ’$texSrcProcDirectoryFile’
should be an existing directory, but is not.
The tex source processing directory is given in the pom/build-file relative to $texSrcDirectoryFile with default value .. It contains all files to be processed. Thus is must be a directory.
TSS03The output directory ’$outputDirectory’
should be a directory if it exists, but is not.
The output directory is given in the pom/build-file with default value ./target/site/.. The output directory is where the result of the goal/task are copied to. If it does not yet exist, it is created but if it exists and is a regular file, it cannot be created anymore.
TSS04The target set ’$targetsStr’
contains the invalid target ’$targetStr’.
Indicates that a target $targetStr in a target set given in a context $context is unknown, e.g. because it is misspelled. The context is either the setting $targets or the target set in a chunk of setting $docClassesToTargets or in a magic comment specifying $targets.

For a description of the settings see Table 6.1 on page 246. See also the Exception TSS11 in this table.

For each target, there is an according goal and so it can be given on the command line as e.g. via mvn latex:pdf and also in this case, the validity of the target is checked, so that e.g. mvn latex:invalid throws an exception, but the mechanism relies directly on maven’s ability to check the targets of this plugin.

TSS05The excluded converters ’$convertersExcluded’
should form a subset of the registered converters ’…’.
From the possible “registered” converters the ones not used may be excluded to avoid that they cause errors when trying to check correctness of version in target vrs accessed via mvn latex:vrs. These converters may not even be installed.
TSS06Tried to use converter ’$convStr’
although not among the registered converters ’…’ as expected.
Only registered converters may be used.
TSS07Tried to use converter ’$convStr’
although among the excluded converters ’…’.
Among the registered converters only those may be used, which are not excluded, i.e. listed in configuration in section convertersExcluded.
TSS08Tried to use converter ’$convStr’
in configuration ’…’ instead of configuration ’…’.
Each converter may occur in a specified configuration only. So e.g. lualatex is only allowed in configuration ’latex2pdfCommand’. If used in configuration ’makeIndexCommand’ this causes this exception, because in that configuration, e.g makeindex is allowed.
TSS09The diff directory ’$diffDirectoryFile’
should be a directory if it exists, but is not.
The $diffDirectoryFile shall exist and be a directory. In it shall be stored the artifacts the actually created shall be compared with if chkDiff is set using the command diffPdfCommand. As the name suggests, currently only pdf-files are compared.
TSS10Specified unregistered converter ’$convStrProper’
with invalid category ’$catStr’; should be ’…’.
The converter convName is specified in the setting <catCommand> in the form convName:notCat with category notCat not coinciding with cat as required.
TSS11The target set ’$targetsStr’ in $context
repeats target ’$target’.
Indicates that a target $targetStr in a target set given in a context $context is repeated, despite sets contain elements only once. The context is either the setting $targets or the target set in a chunk of setting $docClassesToTargets or in a magic comment specifying $targets.

For a description of the settings see Table 6.1 on page 246. See also the Exception TSS04 in this table.

TSS12Invalid mapping ’$chunk’ of document classes to targets.
Indicates that the chunk $chunk in parameter docClassesToTargets is syntactically not allowed.

For a description of the syntax see Table 6.1 on page 246.

TSS13For document class ’$cls’ target set is not unique.
Indicates that in parameter docClassesToTargets a class defines its targetsmore than once.
Table 7.4:  The BuildFailureExceptions of the class Settings

TMI01Cannot get stream to file ’$fileName’.
Stream to file within jar. This may be the manifest file, or
TMI02Cannot load properties from file ’$fileName’.
Provided the stream to the file is ok, could not load property. This may occur for or
TMI03IOException reading manifest.
Provided the stream to the manifest file is ok, could not read completely.
Table 7.5:  The BuildFailureExceptions of the class MetaInfo

TFU01Cannot create destination directory ’$targetDir’.
This is mainly because of writing permissions.
TFU04Cannot overwrite directory ’$destFile’.
Because this plugin shall not turn directories into regular files and vice versa. This failure indicates that another plugin/task disturbs this one.
TFU06Cannot copy file ’$srcFileName’ to directory ’$targetDir’.
This is mainly because of writing permissions.
Table 7.6:  The BuildFailureExceptions of the class TexFileUtilsImpl

TLP01Artifact ’$pdfFileAct’ from ’$texFile’ could not be reproduced.
Processing $texFile yields $pdfFileAct which is not “alike” the stored version. Currently, that kind of check can be performed for PDF files only. Also, the diff check is executed only if parameter $chkDiff described in Section 6.13 is set. Then the diff command $diffPdfCommand is performed to determine whether the artifacts are equivalent in the sense given by the diff command. The concrete meaning of that equivalence may range from strict equivalence to some kind of visual equivalence.
TLP02Add file ’$pdfFileCmp’ to compare with artifact ’$pdfFileAct’!
The PDF file $pdfFileCmp expected for comparison with the PDF file $pdfFileAct created from a LaTeX main file does not exist. It is expected only if a diff check is configured according to $chkDiff described in Section 6.13.

This warning is normal if the document is added newly. Then just copy the created PDF file (maybe preserving modification time) after quality check. This warning is also normal if a document is actively modified. Then before building the file $pdfFileCmp shall be removed before compilation to force this software to assign a new timestamp, e.g. into first page and metadata.

Currently, that kind of check can be performed for PDF files only.

TLP03Failure while writing file ’$fileName’ or closing in-stream.
Failure while performing goal inj while writing file ’$fileName’ or closing in-stream. The file is created from a template replacing parameter names by their actual values. A reason may be that the template cannot be read or its in-stream cannot be closed. The result is written into the latex source directory.
Table 7.7:  The BuildFailureExceptions of the class LatexProcessor

FIXME: to be added.

7.2 Logging of warnings and errors

The rules for logging warnings and errors is, that the user must be notified, if something went wrong, but the run is not aborted, by a warning or an error. It is not required that for each detail going wrong, there is a separate notification, but the user must be sure, that all is ok, if no warning and no error occurs.

To decide whether it is an error or a warning to be logged, one has to distinguish, whether the problem occurs when running an external application or within internal code. In the first case, the decision whether it is an error or a warning is left to that application:

If an application does not create the expected output file, this software logs an error. This may be because of an internal error as described above, but also because of wrong parameters. So, e.g. lualatex -v xxx.tex does not create a pdf-file as expected.

EEX01Running $command failed with return code $returnCode.
Compare with TEX01 in Table 7.3: Error execution means that there is evenno valid return code.
EEX02Running $command failed: No target file ’$fileName’ written.
EEX03Running $command failed: Target file ’$fileName’ is not updated.
The command $command is expected to write to the file ’$fileName’ but this file is not updated. This indicates an error executing $command.
WEX04Cannot read target file ’$fileName’; may be outdated.
WEX05Update control may emit false warnings.
EAP02Running $command failed: No log file ’$logFileName’ written.
The command $command is expected to write a log file ’$logFileName’ but no such file exists. This indicates an error executing $command.
EAP01Running $command failed. Errors logged in ’$logFileName’.
The command $command logged at least one error in the file ’$logFileName’,where more details can be found.
WAP03Running $command emitted warnings logged in ’$logFileName’.
The command $command logged at least one warning in the file ’$logFileName’, where more details can be found. Note that if $command is a latex processor, this warning comes only iff the parameter $debugWarnings is set. Note also that notifications on bad boxes are not counted as warnings here.
WLP03Running $command created bad boxes logged in ’$logFileName’.
Here, $command is a latex processor. It logged at least one bad box, overfull or underfull, horizontal or vertical in $logFileName where more details can be found. Note that this warning comes only iff the parameter $debugBadBoxes is set.
WLP06Running $command found issues logged in ’$logFileName’.
This warning does no longer occur. The following is the original explanation: Here, $command is a checker tool. Strictly speaking, unlike the other warnings here, this does not signify that running $command went wrong but uncovered an issue (warning/error/message) logged in a file.
WLP05Use package splitidx without option split in $texFileName.
This indicates that an extended idx-file “xxx-yy.idx” has been found without xxx.idx or without according entry \indexentry[yy]{…}{…} in xxx.idx.
WLP07Found both ’$dviFile’ and ’$xdvFile’; convert the latter.
This indicates that for conversion to PDF there are a DVI-file and a XDV-file which may come from mixed application of xelatex and another converter. In this case, the $xdvFile is converted.
Table 7.8:  The errors and warnings on running a command

WFU01Cannot read directory ’$dir’; build may be incomplete.
WPP02Cannot read tex file ’$texFile’; may bear LaTeX main file.
WAP04Cannot read log file ’$logFileName’; may hide warnings/errors.
WLP02Cannot read log/aux file ’$logFileName’; $kind may require rerun.
WLP04Cannot read idx file ’$idxFileName’; skip creation of index.
WFU03Cannot close ’$closeable’.
WFU04Could not assign timestamp to target file $file.
Currently NOT USED!

The former explanation was as follows If either the parameter ’$chkDiff’ described in Table 6.13 on page 286 is set or the magic comment chkDiff described in Section occurs, then the modification time of target files must be set explicitly. In this situation, this warning occurs if setting the modification time could not be set.

EFU05Cannot delete file ’$delFile’.
EFU06Cannot move file ’$fromFile’ to ’$toFile’.
Table 7.9:  The errors and warnings on files/streams

WPP03Skipped processing of files with suffixes $skipped.
WPP04Skip processing $srcFile: interpreted as target of $lmFile.
WPP05Included latex files which are not LaTeX main files:
In parameter mainFilesIncluded only LaTeX main files shall be mentioned. The above message shows files specified which are not recognized as LaTeX main files. This is also affected by parameter patternLatexMainFile.
WPP06Excluded latex files which are not LaTeX main files:
In parameter mainFilesExcluded only LaTeX main files shall be mentioned. The above message shows files specified which are not recognized as LaTeX main files. This is also affected by parameter patternLatexMainFile.
WPP07Included/Excluded LaTeX main files not identified by their name:
This indicates that there are different LaTeX main files with the same name (of course in different directories) and that $inclExcl are those given in parameter mainFilesIncluded or mainFilesExcluded.
WLP01LaTeX requires rerun but maximum number $maxNumRerunsLatex reached.
ELP01For command ’$command’ found unexpected return code $returnCode.
Here, $command is a checker tool. The return codes are determined by reverse engineering. So possibly $returnCode cannot be interpreted.
ELP02Checker ’$command’ logged an error in $clgFile.
Indicates that the checker found an error. Note that errors are warnings declared explicitly as errors. There is also the case that warnings are declared as simple messages and thus causes neither a warning nor an error.
WLP08Checker ’$command’ logged a warning in $clgFile.
Indicates that the checker found a warning. Implicitly it means that no error was found since this would cause EPL02. Note that warnings can be declared as simple messages and thus cause neither a warning nor an error.
WLP09For file ’$texFile’ targets are neither specified by magic comment
nor restricted by document class ’$docClass’.
Indicates that the LaTeX main file $texFile has neither a magic comment specifying the targets nor for the document class parameter docClassesToTargets described in Table 6.1 specifies the allowed targets. Since no restriction on targets are known, $texFile is compiled for all targets given in $targets given also in Table 6.1. To avoid this warning, just add $docClass to docClassesToTargets or specify targets by magic comment.
WLP10Degraded identifier for ’$file’;
augmented risk not to rerun although necessary.
Indicates that an auxiliary file $file which is used to determine whether an auxiliary program shall be rerun could not be completely evaluated. An example of an auxiliary file is an IDX file. If it changes not only makeindex but also the LaTeX compiler need to be rerun.

A special kind of auxiliary files are AUX files. They may be used to create bibliographies or glossaries. They are special in that they may include other AUX files, namely those corresponding with included TEX files. In this case, $file is the top level AUX file.

Table 7.10:  Miscellaneous errors and warnings

FIXME: to be added.