Chapter 2

Both the ant-task and the maven-plugin just direct parameters from ant and from maven, respectively, to the programs that do the proper work. Thus, installation of the ant-task and of the maven-plugin requires that all needed programs are installed. These prerequisites are collected in Section 2.1.

2.1 Prerequisites

The ant-task is tested with

Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.12 compiled on December 14 1969

(of course the year is not correct, but this is the version string displayed by that release) and the maven-plugin with

Apache Maven 3.9.2

Both, ant and maven are written in java and require a java installation. The java version used for tests is 17.0.8.

So, a java installation is the base for running either the ant-task or the maven-plugin. Also, this plugin is written in java. To use the maven-plugin, of course maven must be installed and to use the ant-task, ant must be installed.

The ant-task just passes parameters in the build file to the core and accordingly the maven-plugin passes parameters in the pom to the core of this software. The core just invokes various programs to do the actual work.

Besides plain building of documentation, this software also supports development of documents. LaTeX and related programs are based on text files mainly and so a good editor is required for development.

The author recommends and uses VS Code, e.g. 1.81.1 in conjunction with package LaTeX workshop 9.13.4 and LTeX 13.1.0.

An alternative is good old

  GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86\_64-suse-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.16.7)

together with several packages to support various file formats. To list the available packages type M-x list-packages. For comfortable development with LaTeX, the AUCTeX package, version 11.88 is recommended. The version is displayed from within Emacs by typing C-h v AUCTeX-version RET. For an overview on AUCTeX see [TAK+14].

FIXME: gnuplot-mode expects file extension gp. Should be made configurable.

To edit metapost, the mode built-in mode Metamode is used.

Built-in mode Docview to view PDF, PS and DVI.


Builtin modes bib-mode and bibtex

Built in reftex-modes

Useful: ac-math, auto-complete-auctex

Depending on what kinds of graphic formats are used, the following programs are required:

Currently, for including PDF-files in both cases, the driver dvipdfmx must be installed. Strictly speaking, this is required only for HTML-creation and related. Note that if no pictures created by fig2dev, gnuplot, mpost or by inkscape are used, of course, neither fig2dev nor gnuplot, mpost, inkscape nor dvipdfmx is needed. To include graphics, the graphics bundle described in [Car16] is required, except for SVG-files which requires the svg-package described in [Ilt12].

As the set of required software depends on the graphic formats which shall be imported, it depends also on the set of output-formats to be supported:

So to run this software, the aforementioned programs or at least the subset used, must be installed. To obtain reproducible results, the versions must fit. This version is checked with the executables with versions given by an according properties file

There are also several LaTeX-packages needed or at least recommended. The recommended ones are


described in [Ume10] to control page layout.


described in [Sch16] improve readability and make the document look nicer. It also helps to avoid bad boxes.


described in [RO22] to insert hypertext marks, which I do not want to miss in larger documents.


described in [SU06] which allows jumping from the DVI file to the TEX source and back.


if geometry is not used with option showframe. There seems to be no package documentation for package showframe.


described in [Fea16]


described in [Sza07] to allow arbitrary font sizes, eliminating certain warnings. An alternative may be fix-cm described in [SMCR15].

Almost required are

Useful packages with which this software is tested:

2.2 Setting up pom.xml for the maven plugin

If this software is used as a maven plugin, it need not explicitly be installed, maven itself does this by need based on the entries of the pom.

We can distinguish between entries in the pom which are necessary for any kind of usage of this maven plugin described in Section 2.2.1, configuration settings to obtain behavior deviating from the default as sketched in Section 2.2.2 and finally executions to integrate this plugin in the lifecycle as described in Section 2.2.3.

2.2.1 Basic setup

Unfortunately, this plugin did not yet make it into maven central. Thus, one has to add the providers’ repository to the pom as shown in Listing 2.1 to enable maven to find the software.

<project ...> 
     <name>repo at simuline</name> 
Listing 2.1: The source repository for this plugin

Then just adding the coordinates in the build-plugins section of the pom as shown in Listing 2.2, and it can be used from command line, e.g. to create PDF files as mvn latex:pdf or for cleanup mvn latex:clr with default configuration. Alternatively, the plugin can be inserted also in the reporting-plugins section of the pom.

<project ...> 
     <!-- create html and pdf and other formats from latex --> 
Listing 2.2: The coordinates of this plugin

This plugin is indexed in

2.2.2 Deviating from default settings

This plugin is highly configurable by means of a lot of settings. Listing 2.3 shows some of them, but all are in their default settings, so no need to specify them explicitly:


defines the output formats and the checks to be run (chk signifies running chktex) for goal cfg.


whether all generated files shall be removed leaving the LaTeX source folder untouched.


is one of the names of the tools to be invoked. There are more settings for treating tools.

It is the experience of the author, that in many situations no explicit setting is necessary at all. The only setting needed to be configured regularly is targets which determines the output formats and whether sources are checked for goal cfg. It is recommended to use checking via target chk in any case. Some settings are only relevant only for document development as described in Section 3.6, one of these is cleanUp: setting this to false keeps intermediate files, in particular log files available which helps to find errors and in locating the sources of warnings. There are further situations where the user is grateful of being able to configure this software, or even where it is not usable with default settings. Chapter 6 describes the complete set of settings. The same pieces of information is given in the pom.xml used to test this plugin. Although each setting takes its default value, it is given explicitly and is endowed with a comment describing it in detail as in Chapter 6. Since this pom is quite long, it is not part of this manual but is given by reference on the project site.

       <!-- create html and pdf and other formats from latex --> 
              <!--targets>chk, pdf, html</targets--> 
Listing 2.3: The coordinates of this plugin and some settings

2.2.3 Executions

To make the plugin available within a build, one has to add executions, e.g. as shown in Listing 2.4. For all goals specified there, a default phase is defined, as given as a comment but as this is hard-coded, one has to specify in the executions only when deviating from the default.

Typically, this plugin, to be more precise its goal cfg, which allows configuring checks and the output formats in setting targets, is used in the site lifecycle phase to process latex sources. It is perfectly ok to stick to a single format like pdf and configure target accordingly.

Alternatively, one may define an execution with the required goals like pdf, but then the phase must be specified explicitly, because there is no default phase. Of course, then no additional check is performed.

The goal inj injects files into the working directory texSrcDirectory as described in detail in Section 3.5. For some files it makes sense to do this independent of the build process e.g. by invoking mvn latex:inj, but in general it is preferable to perform the injection each build process anew because that way the injected file can be adapted to the current settings of this plugin. Note that the execution of the goal inj has its own configuration, which allows a single parameter, injections. Listing 2.4 gives a recommended parameter value, although not the default.

Normally, all created files in the source directory are removed after the output has been copied to the target, but during document development, described in Section 3.6, cleanup may be deactivated by setting cleanUp and so the source directory may be polluted. This may happen if other tools are used in conjunction with this plugin.

Nevertheless, cleanup is recommended to make the individual runs of this plugin independent. Thus, for document development, there is a dedicated goal clr to clean up the source directory in phase clean. Note that also the configuration files created by goal inj are cleared. Since cleanup occurs in the course of the build and not with goal clr the parameter cleanUp is given in the general settings. The goal clr cannot be configured.

Finally, it is recommended to add a check of the versions of the programs called converters used right in the phase validate via goal vrs. Listing 2.4 specifies versionsWarnOnly=true, which restricts goal vrs to just display a warning if something is wrong which seems appropriate in the context of validation.

For the default configuration versionsWarnOnly=false, the goal vrs yields a full list of registered converters, signifying which one may cause trouble because its version is out of range as displayed in Listing 3.2. In the course of a build run, this seems too much information, but in fact, it is just a matter of taste.

For details on executions of goals inj, clr and vrs see Section 3.6.

      <!--targets>chk, pdf, html</targets--> 
      <!-- chk, dvi, pdf, html, odt, docx, rtf, txt --> 
      <!-- phase>site</phase--> 
      <!-- phase>clean</phase--> 
      <?m2e execute onConfiguration?> 
      <!-- phase>validate</phase--> 
      <!-- phase>validate</phase--> 
Listing 2.4: The executions of this plugin

The executions considered so far are appropriate for mavens default lifecycle. Typically, this maven plugin is used in the site lifecycle, which does not contain the phase validate, but accordingly pre-site. As a consequence, goals inj and vrs are not invoked. To get around, one could specify the phase pre-site in the execution explicitly. The author uses the maven-jxr-plugin as illustrated in Listing 2.5, which, as a side effect, forks the lifecycle and includes phase validate of the default lifecycle and in particular goals inj and vrs.

It is planned to perform a version check in first usage of a tool, except tools in the environment, i.e. build tools and programming languages. This avoids check of tools which are not needed. Also, for the generic user, no execution for goal vrs is needed any more; by need it can be invoked from the command line as mvn latex:vrs. Still the developer of this software will continue to specify that execution.

     <!-- as a side effect, 
         triggers 'generate-sources' forked phase execution  --> 
Listing 2.5: Forked execution with jxr plugin

Note that in Listing 2.4 the section configuration which is not part of an execution contains an empty configuration and is thus as much as empty. It can thus be skipped in a default configuration creating output in formats PDF and HTML and performing checks on the LaTeX-sources. However, pom.xml gives an example pom using this latex plugin with full configuration with default values and executions. In addition, Chapter 6 describes each setting individually.

2.3 Setting build.xml for the ant task

As you can see, the taskdef’s refer to java classes. Unlike maven which loads jars with the classes inside automatically from

the jar for the tasks, latex-maven-plugin-2.1-antTask.jar, must be downloaded manually from

Moreover, ant expects to find the jar files in an according folder. In my installation it is /usr/share/ant/lib/; as can be seen in the ant documentation, in general it is in folder lib in ant’s installation directory.

However, build.xml gives an example build file using this latex ant task with full configuration with default values and executions. From that, one has to copy the following into the build.xml file in the current project:

As for the maven plugin, for the ant task, add configuration, where a deviation from the default requires to do so. The configuration is the same and is described in detail in Chapter 6.

2.4 Installation from source

The first step to install from source, is to clone from the repository by

git clone

of course assuming that git has been installed. Then change into the root repository where pom.xml for maven and also built.xml for ant are located.

To install the maven-plugin, ensure that maven is installed. One is tempted just to type

mvn clean install

but this does not work since the plugin needs itself to be installed to perform even clean. To solve that problem just comment out all its executions in the local pom.xml by enclosing them in <!–…–>. In fact this is a minor bug, since, to be strict, only the executions for verification and clearing must be deactivated. For processing, it would be sufficient to add <phase>site</phase> to execution process-latex-sources.

Since the author develops with maven, including the development of the ant task, the maven built, creates the file latex-maven-plugin-2.1-antTask.jar defining the ant task. To this end, also mvn clean package is sufficient. After that, installation proceeds like described in Section 2.3 copying that jar file ant’s lib-folder where ant can find it.

With root access and after having checked the proper paths, the build file build.xml can be used to perform copy task by ant install, to insert an according link by ant link to remove it again with ant uninstall. The build file build.xml works only if latex-maven-plugin-2.1-antTask.jar is placed where ant can find it or if the parts are deactivated below the line

   <!-- deactivate the following, 
  unless the ant task is installed already -->

I feel building with maven and linking the jar created is a very good way to develop the ant task, because after changes the new ant task is available immediately.

For typical changes in the sources, it is possible to recompile and package the ant task by ant jar also cleanup is possible with ant clean. Finally, the ant task can be tested with ant latex:cfg and ant latex:clr.

In the long run, it should be possible to build the ant task from sources with ant alone.