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Accessor<T> - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Provides access even to private fields, methods, constructors and inner classes, static or not, via reflection.
Accessor() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Formally to create a new Accessor instance but intended in contrary to prevent an Accessor from being instantiated.
AccessorTest - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Testclass for class Accessor.
AccessorTest() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
AccessorTest.ForTests - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
AccessorTest.ForTestsB - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
AccessorTest.NonStatic - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
AccessorTest.NonStatic.NonStatic1 - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
AccessorTest.Static - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
AccessorTest.Static.Static2 - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
AccessorTest.TestAll - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.BreakAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.ExitAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.OpenAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.StartAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.StopAction
actions - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Actions - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents the actions of the test GUI inspired by old junit GUI. **** Moreover provides a wrapper to access junit and the access point to run the gui started from the class to be tested. **** The fundamental methods are Actions.runFromMain() which runs the test class from its main method and Actions.runTestClass(String) which runs a testclass with the given name.
Actions(String) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
Creates a new Actions instance.
Actions.BreakAction - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
The action of breaking the sequence of testcases currently running.
Actions.CoreRunner - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
A thread in which a testclass is executed or at least a single testcase out of this testclass.
Actions.ExitAction - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
The action of exiting the tester application.
Actions.OpenAction - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
The action of opening a java-file defining a test class and starting the tests defined by it.
Actions.StartAction - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
The action of starting the testcases in the loaded testclass.
Actions.StopAction - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
The action of stopping the test run// after having finished the currently running testcase.
addSelectedTestCaseByNeed(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
Adds testCase to the failure list if not yet listed.
aFinalField - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
aPrimitiveField - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
aPrimitiveField - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB
Assert<E> - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Extends the framework of assertions provided by junit.framework.Assert.
Assert() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Assert.CmpObj - Enum in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents an ordering relation.
assertAbsEquals(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if the absolute deviation between expected and actual exceeds absdiv in absolute value.
assertAbsEquals(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if the absolute deviation between expected and actual exceeds absdiv in absolute value.
assertAbsRelEquals(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
For expected<= separateAbsRel behaves like Assert.assertEquals(String,double,double,double) ignoring reldev, whereas otherwise behaves like Assert.assertEquals(String, double, double, double) ignoring absdev.
assertAbsRelEquals(String, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
For expected<= separateAbsRel behaves like Assert.assertEquals(String,double,double,double) ignoring reldev, whereas otherwise behaves like Assert.assertEquals(String, double, double, double) ignoring absdev.
assertArraysEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
assertArraysEquals(Object, Object, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Is a deep version of method junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Object, Object) for arrays: checks whether the two arguments are arrays and whether they are arrays, recursively whether the lengths coincide and if the entries do so.
assertArraysEquals(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Is a deep version of method junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Object, Object) for arrays: checks whether the two arguments are arrays and whether they are arrays, recursively whether the lengths coincide and if the entries do so.
assertEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails for !
assertEquals(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
assertIs(Assert.CmpObj, E, E, Comparator<E>) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if cmp.compare(expected, actual) is not as expected and raises an exception if this expression cannot be evaluated.
assertIs(Assert.CmpObj, Comparable<E>, E) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if expected.compareTo(actual) is not as expected and raises an exception if this expression cannot be evaluated.
assertIs(Assert.CmpObj, String, E, E, Comparator<E>) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if cmp.compare(expected, actual) is not as expected and raises an exception if this expression cannot be evaluated.
assertIs(Assert.CmpObj, String, Comparable<E>, E) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if expected.compareTo(actual) is not as expected and raises an exception if this expression cannot be evaluated.
assertIsContainedAll(Collection<E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if actual is not a subcollection of expected.
assertIsIn(Collection<E>, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if actualElement is not an element of expectedContainer.
assertNormAbsEquals(Object, Object, String, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
assertNormAbsEquals(String, Object, Object, String, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if actual is null or actual deviates from expected by at least delta, provided the test can be executed at all.
assertNormRelEquals(Object, Object, String, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if actual is null or actual deviates from expected by at least delta, provided the test can be executed at all.
assertNormRelEquals(String, Object, Object, String, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
assertRecArraysEquals(Object, Object, int[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Is a deep version of method junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Object, Object) for arrays: checks recursively whether the lengths coincide and if the entries do so.
assertRecArraysEquals(Object, Object, int[], double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Is a deep version of method junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Object, Object) for arrays: checks recursively whether the lengths coincide and if the entries do so.
assertRelEquals(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails reporting a standard message if the relative deviation between expected and actual exceeds reldiv in absolute value.
assertRelEquals(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if the relative deviation between expected and actual exceeds reldiv in absolute value.
assertStringEquals(String, String) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Special case of assertEquals(Object, Object) which provides an error message specifying the common prefix of expected with actual.
aStaticPrimitiveField - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
aStaticPrimitiveField - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB


BORDER_DESC - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer
breakAction - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
The action to break execution of testcases.
BreakAction() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.BreakAction


checkArraysSameClass(Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Checks whether expected is an array and whether its type coincides with the type of actual.
checkNulls(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Throws an error if exactly one of the parameters are null and otherwise returns whether both are null.
checkNullsB(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Fails if the test can be executed, i.e.
children - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
The list of children if this is a suite according to TestCase.isTest() or null if this is a (singular) test.
CHOOSE_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The name of the system property the value of which points to the directory which is opened by the file chooser.
classChooser - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
A chooser for testclasses.
ClassChooser() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.ClassChooser
className - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Contains the fully qualified name of the testclasse currently under consideration.
clearSelection() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
clearSelection() - Method in interface eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.Selector
Clears the selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
clearStack() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
Clears the represented stack including GUIRunner.StackTraceLister.thrw and text.
clsFileChooser - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.ClassChooser
File chooser for class files representing test classes.
clsPath - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.ClassChooser
The class path for test classes.
CmpObj(String) - Constructor for enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
Creates a new CmpObj with the given fractin of message; also the implementation of method Assert.CmpObj.isValid(int) has to be provided hereafter.
collapseAlongPath() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Collapses the path to the leaf GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.currPathIter points to as much as possible in order not to hide GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.singleSelectedNode and the leafs corresponding with singular tests which failed already (assumption failure, failure and error).
COLOR_FAIL - Static variable in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Represents a failed testcase.
COLOR_IGNORED - Static variable in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Represents an ignored testcase.
COLOR_OK - Static variable in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Represents a testcase which did neither failed.
computeNorm1(String, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Returns the norm of expected defined by the method named norm.
computeNorm2(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Returns the distance of the two objects expected and actual defined by the metric defined by the method named norm; typically something like the norm of a kind of difference.
constructorMatches(Constructor<T>, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns whether the given constructor matches the parameter list.
coreRunner - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
CoreRunner(Actions.CoreRunner) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.CoreRunner
Copy constructor.
CoreRunner(String) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.CoreRunner
Creates a runner running all testcases in the given test class.
create(Class<T>, Class<?>[], Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns an object created by the specified constructor.
create(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns an object created by the specified constructor.
create(Constructor<T>, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Invoke the specified constructor with the given arguments.
createArgD(boolean) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
createArgD(boolean, int, int) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
Returns a random number which is signed if demanded by isSigned and which ranges from the given exponents.
createMultArgsD(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
createMultArgsD(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
createMultArgsSumD(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
createMultArgsSumD(int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
Returns a list of numArgs arguments as double values.
createNumArgs() - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
createPower2() - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
currPath - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
currPathIter - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Represents the path to the testcase currently run.


defaultExclusions - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
Default excluded paths.
defineClass(String) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
desc - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
The description of this testcase.
desc2filter(Description) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
Returns a Filter that only runs methods in desiredDesc.
desc2string(Description) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Returns a string representation of desc: For atomic tests the display name, for suites an xml-style description.
descShouldRun(Description, Description) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
detQual2NumRec(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Initializes teh statistics in GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState.qual2num according to testCase.
detValQualRec(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestProgressBar
Determines recursively the length of the progress bar and GUIRunner.TestProgressBar.qual based on the non-scheduled test cases.
DTestHelper - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Creates double values for tests.
DTestHelper() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper


EMPTY_SELECTOR - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TabChangeListener
Registered with the unselected Selector.
EQUAL - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
Error - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
The execution of the testcase failed indicated by finishing with exception or error other than AssertionFailedError.
eu.simuline.testhelpers - package eu.simuline.testhelpers
Classes needed for testing.
excluded - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
Holds the excluded paths.
EXCLUDED_FILE - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
Name of excluded properties file.
ExitAction() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.ExitAction
expandAlongPath() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Expands the path to the leaf GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.currPathIter points to.
expectedActual(Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
ExtRunListener - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Extension of RunListener, version junit 4.12.
ExtRunListener() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.ExtRunListener


failInd(int[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
failLengthMessage(Object, Object, int[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
failMessage(Object, Object, int[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
failMessageDelta(double, double, int[], double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Returns a failure message indicating that in comparing nested arrays of final float type as double[][], the corresponding entries given by index path indices deviate at least delta.
failMessageLength(int, int, int[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
failure - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
The failure if any; otherwise null.
Failure - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
The execution of the testcase finished gracefully but did not succeed: At least one assertion is hurt, indicated by an AssertionFailedError.
failureListMod - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
The list of testcases which are either ignored, failed in some sense or with hurt assumption.
failureSelection - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
The current selection of GUIRunner.TestCaseLister.failureListMod.
filter - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
Defines the filter for tests to be run. **** may be null
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, byte, byte) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, char, char) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, double, double) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, float, float) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, long, long) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, short, short) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
First - eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater
ForTests() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
ForTestsB() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB
FRAC_NON_NAN - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
frame - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The frame in which the Testrunne GUI is displayed.
fullSuccess() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns whether this test including all sub-tests succeeded.


Generic - eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater
getActions() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Returns the action.
getBox() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Returns a horizontal box with the labels in GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState.qual2label intermangled with according icons.
getBreakAction() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
getChildren() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns the list of children given by TestCase.children.
getChosenClass() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.ClassChooser
Opens the class chooser dialog and returns the choosen class or null if either no file was selected, a file is selected which does not exist or does not represent a java class file.
getColor() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the color associated with this phase: If this phase represents an irregular ending testcase, Quality.COLOR_FAIL is returned.
getConstructor(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the specified constructor if aClas offers exactly one possibility with the given parameters.
getDesc() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns the description of this testcase given by TestCase.desc.
getExitAction() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
getFailList() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
getField(Class<?>, Object, String) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the value of the specified static field or member field resp. its wrapper.
getField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the value of the specified static field resp. its wrapper.
getField(Object, String) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the value of the specified member field resp. its wrapper.
getFieldObj(Class<?>, String, boolean) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the specified Field object if possible.
getFinalFieldDummy() - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
getIcon() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns an icon representing this phase on the GUI.
getIdx() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns the index of this testcase as described in TestCase.idxTest.
getInnerClass(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the inner class of enclosingCls with the specified name innerClsName.
getInnerClass(Class<?>, String[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the inner class of enclosingCls with the specified name innerClsName.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends TestCase>, TestCase, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer
getMessage() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns a status message which describes this phase.
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Method[], Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the specified method if cands offers exactly one possibility.
getOpenAction() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
getParamCls(Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the classes of the given parameters.
getPath() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
getPath() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
getQuality() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns the phase of this testcase as described in TestCase.qual.
getResource(String) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
getRoot() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
getRunner() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
getStackTraceBox() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
Returns a graphical representation of this StackTraceLister.
getStackTraceBox() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
getStartAction() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
getStopAction() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
getThrown() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns null if no failure occurred.
getTime() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
If this testcase is a single testcase which has been finished, this is the span of time required to run this test.
getToBeInvoked(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns the specified method if it exists; otherwise null.
getTree() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestTreeCellRenderer
Renders the value interpreting it as Node the user object of which is a TestCase.
GREATER - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
GREATER_EQ - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
GUIRunListener - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
An ExtRunListener which notifies the GUI GUIRunner of the events occuring while running a testsuite and which comprises a textual run listener.
GUIRunListener(GUIRunner) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
guiRunner - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
guiRunner - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
GUIRunner - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
The GUI of a JUnit test-runner.
GUIRunner(Actions) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Creates a new GUIRunner instance which defines components with unloaded test class.
GUIRunner.ClassChooser - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Provides a method to choose a test class.
GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents the hierarchy of testsuites and testcases as a tree GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.hierarchyTree possibly with a single selected node given by GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.singleSelectedNode.
GUIRunner.Selector - Interface in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Minimal interface for notifying about singular selection events.
GUIRunner.StackTraceLister - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents the stack trace of the throwable, GUIRunner.StackTraceLister.thrw currently selected in the error list.
GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents the table displaying the number of runs, both, passed and to be performed altogether, the tests already ignored and those a failure or an error was found.
GUIRunner.TabChangeListener - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
A listener to the switching of a tab in the foreground; the other in the background.
GUIRunner.TestCaseLister - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents the list of testcases already failed shown in one of the tabs and a GUIRunner.TestCaseLister.stackTraceLister which represents the stack trace box below the tabbed pane.
GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
A special renderer object consisting of a label and a location within java code for an item in a failure list.
GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
A special kind of label which fires only change in the text and which allows to set details: selection and focus.
GUIRunner.TestProgressBar - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
The progress bar indicating how much of the testcases already passed.
GUIRunner.TestTreeCellRenderer - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
To render a cell of the hierarchy tree.
GUIRunner.TreePathIterator - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents a path GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.currPath in the tree of testsuites represented by GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.treeModel.
GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater - Enum in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Expands the tree along the current path, for GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater.Generic after incrementing the current path.


hasFailed() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns whether TestCase.getThrown() returns non-null.
hasFailure() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns whether the given state is tied to a throwable.
HIERARCHY_ICON - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The icon representing the hierarchy of tests: used for the tabbed pane.
hierarchyTree - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
The hierarchy of testsuites and testcases as a tree.
HierarchyWrapper(Actions, GUIRunner.TestCaseLister) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Creates a new HierarchyWrapper with the given actions and testCaseLister which are used to initialize GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.actions and GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.testCaseLister.
HORIZ_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Represents the horizontal space used for the boundary.
HORIZ_BOUNDARY2 - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Represents double of the horizontal space used for the boundary.
HORIZ_FRAME - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The horizontal size of the frame.


idxTest - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
The index of this testcase if this is a (singular) test; otherwise -1.
Ignored - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
The testcase was ignored, i.e. was scheduled for execution but then decided not to start execution.
incPath() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
Increments GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.currPath and returns the result.
initClassStructure() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
Clears the failure list, its selection and the failure stack.
initClassStructure(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Notifies that the structure of the test class may have been updated.
initClassStructure(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Notifies that the structure of the test class may have been updated.
initClassStructure(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestProgressBar
Notifies that the structure of the test class may have been updated.
INNER_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
The separator between a class and its enclosing class for inner classes.
invalidate() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
Invalidated - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
The execution of the testcase ran onto an hurt assumption before maybe running into further exceptions or errors and is thus invalidated.
invoke(Class<?>, Object, String, Class<?>[], Object[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
If more than one method with the same parameter types is declared in a class, and one of these methods has a return type that is more specific than any of the others, that method is returned; otherwise one of the methods is chosen arbitrarily.
invoke(Class<?>, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Invokes the specified method with the given parameters and returns the value (which may be void of course. )
invoke(Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
For invoking member methods.
invoke(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Invokes the specified method with the given parameters and returns the value (which may be void of course. )
invokeCompare(E, E, Comparator<E>) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Returns cmp.compare(expected, actual) if possible.
invokeCompareTo(Comparable<?>, Object) - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
Returns expected.compareTo(actual) if possible.
invokeStatic(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
For invoking static methods.
isExcluded(String) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
Returns whether the name with the given name is excluded from being loaded.
isNeutral() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns whether the underlying testcase is neither finished unsuccessfully nor ignored.
isOpaque() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
isRunning - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
Defines whether a test is running.
isSelected(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Returns whether the given testcase testCase is selected in this HierarchyTree.
isTest() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns whether this testcase is a (singular) test.
isValid(int) - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
Returns whether isValid method here.


jPath - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
The scanned class path.
JUnitSingleTester - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Runs a bunch of tests using Actions.runTestClass(String).
JUnitSingleTester() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.JUnitSingleTester


LEN_CLS_STREAM - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
The initial length of a stream to read class files from.
LESS - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
LESS_EQ - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
level - Variable in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Encoding how good the result of the test is: 2 if something went wrong: Quality.Error or Quality.Failure.
listener - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
LOGO_ICON - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The (big) JUnit-logo.
lookupClassData(String) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader


main(String[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
Runs the test case.
main(String[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
main(String[]) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.JUnitSingleTester
Runs all testclasses in the directory given by the 0th argument in the package given by the 1st argument.
max(Quality) - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Determines a Quality with the maximum level of this and other.
MAX_NUM_ARGS - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
message - Variable in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
Core part of the message when the relation fails.
methodMatches(Method, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns whether the given method matches the name and the parameter list.


NO_FOCUS_BORDER - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer
NonStatic() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.NonStatic
NonStatic1() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.NonStatic.NonStatic1
NOT_EQUAL - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
noteReportResult(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Notifies that the singular test testCase is finished.
noteReportResult(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Notifies that the singular test testCase is finished, whether successful or not or that a test is ignored after invoking GUIRunner.noteTestStartedI(Quality) with parameter Quality.Ignored.
noteReportResult(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Notifies that the singular test testCase is finished.
noteReportResult(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
Notifies that the singular test testCase is finished.
noteReportResult(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestProgressBar
Notifies that the singular test testCase is finished.
noteTestStartedI(Quality) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Notifies that an atomic test is started or ignored.
noteTestStartedI(Quality) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Notifies that an atomic test is started or ignored.
notifier - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.CoreRunner
The notifier to run the tests as in JUnitCore.
numRuns - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
The overall number of runs, to be done, in execution or not yet started.
numRunsDone - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
The number of runs already finished.


openAction - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
The action to open a new testclass.
OpenAction() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.OpenAction
openClassChooser() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Opens the class chooser dialog and returns the choosen class or null if either no file was selected, a file is selected which does not exist or does not represent a java class file.


paramsMatch(Class<?>[], Object...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Returns whether the given the parameter list matches the classes.
paramsToString(Class<?>...) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Converts a list of classes into their string-representation.
pleaseStop() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.CoreRunner
privateMethod(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
privateMethod(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB
privateMethodP(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
privateMethodP(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB
privateStaticMethod(int) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
privateStaticMethod(int) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB
privateStaticMethodP(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
privateStaticMethodP(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB
progress - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The progress bar indicating how much of the testcases already passed.
prolonguePath(TreePath) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
Prolongues path as long as possible in each step with 0th child.
PROP_KEY_NO_CLS_RELOAD - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
Key of system property containing a ":"-separated list of packages or classes to be excluded from reloading.
protectedMethod(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTests
protectedMethod(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.ForTestsB


qual - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestProgressBar
The maximal quality found in testcases so far.
qual - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
The phase of this testcase.
qual2label - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Maps the quality with level > 0 to the according labels.
qual2num - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Maps the quality with any level to the number of testcases already finished or ignored with according state.
Quality - Enum in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents the phases in the life-cycle of a TestCase from being Quality.Scheduled to Quality.Ignored or via Quality.Started to finished which means either Quality.Invalidated, Quality.Success, Quality.Failure or even Quality.Error.
Quality(int) - Constructor for enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Creates another Quality with the given level Quality.level.


random(boolean) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
Returns a random number with absolute value in [0,1].
RANGE_POW2 - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.DTestHelper
readExcludedPackages() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
registerSelector(GUIRunner.Selector) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
registerSelector(GUIRunner.Selector) - Method in interface eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.Selector
Acquaints this selector with another one which is notified of the selection events of this Selector.
registerSelector(GUIRunner.Selector) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
repaint() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
revalidate() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
run() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.CoreRunner
Loads the class with name Actions.CoreRunner.testClassName with a TestCaseClassLoader to allow reloading.
run(Request) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.CoreRunner
runFromMain() - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
The fundamental method to start tests with the underlying JUnit-GUI.
runListener1 - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
runListener2 - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
runs - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Label for the number of runs done and to be executed.
runTestClass(String) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
The fundamental method to start tests with the underlying JUnit-GUI.


Scheduled - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
The testcase is scheduled for execution but execution has not yet been started nor has it been decided to ignore, i.e. not to execute the testcase.
SEL_IND1 - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TabChangeListener
The index of the tab selected initially.
selector - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Selector to be influenced: If this is in the selected tab, GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.selector is the tab with the TestCaseLister; otherwise it is GUIRunner.TabChangeListener.EMPTY_SELECTOR.
selector - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
Selector to be influenced: If this is in the selected tab, GUIRunner.TestCaseLister.selector is the tab with the GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper; otherwise it is GUIRunner.TabChangeListener.EMPTY_SELECTOR.
selectors - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TabChangeListener
SeqRunListener - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Describe class SeqRunListener here.
SeqRunListener(ExtRunListener, ExtRunListener) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
SeqRunListener(GUIRunner) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.BreakAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.ExitAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.OpenAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.StartAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.StopAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestProgressBar
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestTreeCellRenderer
setAssumptionFailure() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the next phase when RunListener.testAssumptionFailure(Failure) is invoked.
setAssumptionFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Triggers a transition of the current phase if the assumption failure failure occurs.
setCenter(Actions) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
setDetails(JList<?>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
setEnableForRun(boolean) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
Updates the action-enablements depending on whether a test is running or not: Open and Start action are enabled iff no test is running, whereas stop and break actions are enabled iff some test is running.
setFailure(Throwable) - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the next phase when RunListener.testFailure(Failure) is invoked.
setFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Triggers a transition of the current phase if the non-assumption failure failure occurs.
setField(Class<?>, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
If the type of the specified field extends Object, invoking this method acts like target.field = value; otherwise the argument value is unwrapped first.
setField(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
If the type of the specified field extends Object, invoking this method acts like aClass.fieldName = value; otherwise the argument value is unwrapped first.
setField(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
If the type of the specified field extends Object, invoking this method acts like target.fieldName = value; otherwise the argument value is unwrapped first.
setFilter() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Sets the filter (given by a description) invoking Actions.setFilter(Description): The description is taken from GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.singleSelectedNode.
setFilter(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
Sets Actions.filter according to filter.
setFinished() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the next phase when RunListener.testFinished(Description) is invoked.
setFinished() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Triggers a transition of the current phase given by finishing the run of a singular testcase if possible as specified by Quality.setFinished().
setFirstPath() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
Initializes GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.currPath with the first path in GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.treeModel. **** Shall be invoked by TreePathUpdater only ****
setIgnored() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the next phase when RunListener.testIgnored(Description) is invoked.
setMenuBar(Actions) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
setQualStartedIgnored(Quality) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Triggers a transition of the current phase to qual if possible; otherwise throws an exception.
setScheduled() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the next phase when RunListener.testRunStarted(Description) is invoked.
setScheduledRec() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Recursively triggers a transition of the current phase to Quality.Scheduled: If this is a test, just set TestCase.qual to Quality.Scheduled if possible updating TestCase.failure and TestCase.time.
setSelection(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
setSelection(int) - Method in interface eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.Selector
Sets selection of indexth item and clears other selections.
setSelection(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
setSelUnSel(int) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TabChangeListener
Makes the tab with the given index in the foreground and the other one in the background.
setStack(Throwable) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
Represents the throwable thrw if this is not null; otherwise just clears this stack trace lister as is done by GUIRunner.StackTraceLister.clearStack().
setStarted() - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the next phase when RunListener.testStarted(Description) is invoked.
setStatus(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Sets a status message describing testCase to the status bar using GUIRunner.setStatus(String).
setStatus(String) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Sets the message msg to the status bar.
setTime(long) - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the difference of the current time in milliseconds.
setUp() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
Initializes this class and all its inner classes
shortenPath() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
Replaces GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.currPath removing the last node as long as the last node in the path is the last child of the last but one node and after having done this returns the index of the last node as a child of the last but one node.
singleSelectedNode - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Represents the selected node in GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper.hierarchyTree.
SMALL_LOGO_ICON - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The small JUnit-logo on top left of this frame. **** still this is not displayed properly ****.
SOURCEPATH - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The name of the system property the value of which is the source path.
splitPane - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Represents the split pane with a tabbed pane as top component and the stack trace box as bottom component.
stackElemSelection - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
The selection of this stack trace: This is either empty (which is mandatory for empty GUIRunner.StackTraceLister.thrwMessager) or selects a single stack element.
stacktrace - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
Is either empty or contains the stacktrace of the represented throwable GUIRunner.StackTraceLister.thrw.
stackTraceLister - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
Contains the stack trace if a failure in GUIRunner.TestCaseLister.failureListMod is selected which caused an exception.
StackTraceLister() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
Creates a new StackTraceLister with empty throwable.
startAction - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
The action to run a testcase.
StartAction() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.StartAction
Started - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
The execution of the testcase started but did not finish in any way.
startTestRun() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
startTestRun(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Notifies that a test with structure given by desc is going to be run next.
startTestRun(TestCase) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestProgressBar
Notifies that a test run given by testCase is going to be run next.
startTestRun(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Notifies that a test run with structure given by desc is going to be run next.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TabChangeListener
Static() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.Static
Static2() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.Static.Static2
statisticsTestState - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Represents the table displaying the number of runs, both passed and to be performed altogether, the tests already ignored and those in which an error was found.
StatisticsTestState() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
statusBar - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Contains a status message.
stopAction - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions
The action to stop after having finished the currently running testcase.
StopAction() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.StopAction
STR_ASTOP - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
STR_BUTWAS - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
STR_DN_PROV - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
STR_DNE - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
STR_IN_ABS_VAL - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
STR_IN_CLS - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
STR_OBJECT - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
STR_RAISED - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
STR_SPEC_NULL_CLS - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
Success - eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
The execution of the testcase finished and the test succeeded (passed): All assertions hold and no throwable has been thrown.


tabbedPane - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TabChangeListener
TabChangeListener(JTabbedPane, GUIRunner.TestCaseLister, GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TabChangeListener
test - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
test() - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
TEST - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
testAbsEquals(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Returns whether the absolute deviation between expected and actual exceeds absdiv in absolute value.
TestAll() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.TestAll
testAssumptionFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when an atomic test flags that it assumes a condition that is false.
testAssumptionFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when an atomic test flags that it assumes a condition that is false.
testAssumptionFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when an atomic test flags that it assumes a condition that is false.
testCase - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
TestCase - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
Represents a test which may be a singular case or a suite during its lifetime from being scheduled to having runned successfully or not.
TestCase(Description) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Creates a new testcase based on the description desc with indices 0...n-1, where n is the testcout of desc.
TestCase(Description, int) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Creates a new testcase based on the description desc with indices idxTest...idxTest+n-1, where n is the testcout of desc.
testCase2treeNode(TestCase) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Converts the (tree of) testcases given by testCase.
TestCaseClassLoader - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
A custom class loader which allows to reload classes for each test run.
TestCaseClassLoader() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
Constructs a TestCaseLoader.
TestCaseClassLoader(String) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCaseClassLoader
Constructs a TestCaseLoader.
testCaseLister - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
The the GUIRunner.TestCaseLister listing the failed test cases.
testCaseLister - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Represents the list of testcases already failed.
TestCaseLister() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
testClassName - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Actions.CoreRunner
The name of the class to be tested.
testClassStructureLoaded(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.ExtRunListener
Invoked if a test class is loaded defining a testsuite described by desc.
testClassStructureLoaded(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Invoked if a test class is loaded defining a testsuite described by desc.
testClassStructureLoaded(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Notifies that the structure of the test class may have been updated.
testClassStructureLoaded(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Invoked if a test class is loaded defining a testsuite described by desc.
testClassStructureLoaded(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Invoked if a test class is loaded defining a testsuite described by desc.
testCount() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns the number of singular test in this testcase.
testCreate() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.TestAll
testCreate() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
testFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when an atomic test fails to execute properly throwing a Throwable.
testFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when an atomic test fails to execute properly throwing a Throwable, or when a listener throws an exception.
testFailure(Failure) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when an atomic test fails to execute properly throwing a Throwable, or when a listener throws an exception.
testFinished(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when an atomic test has finished, whether the test succeeds or fails.
testFinished(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when an atomic test has finished, whether the test succeeds or fails.
testFinished(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when an atomic test has finished, whether the test succeeds or fails.
testGetField() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.TestAll
testGetField() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
testGetInnerClass() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.TestAll
testGetInnerClass() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
testHierarchy - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Represents the hierarchy of testcases.
testIgnored(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when a test will not be run, generally because a test method is annotated with @Ignored.
testIgnored(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when a test will not be run, generally because a test method is annotated with Ignore.
testIgnored(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when a test will not be run, generally because a test method is annotated with Ignore.
testInvoke() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.TestAll
testInvoke() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
TestListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer
Constructs a special renderer object consisting of a label and a location within java code for an item in a failure list.
TestProgressBar() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestProgressBar
Creates a new TestProgressBar instance.
testRelEquals(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
Returns whether the relative deviation between expected and actual exceeds reldiv in absolute value.
testRunAborted() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.ExtRunListener
Invoked for stop and for break originated by the user.
testRunAborted() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Invoked for stop and for break originated by the user.
testRunAborted() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Notifies that a test has been aborted by the user.
testRunAborted() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Invoked for stop and for break originated by the user.
testRunAborted() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Invoked for stop and for break originated by the user.
testRunFinished(long) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Notifies that a test has been finished sufficiently or not.
testRunFinished(Result) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when all tests have finished.
testRunFinished(Result) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when all tests of the suite announced by SeqRunListener.testRunStarted(Description) have finished.
testRunFinished(Result) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when all tests of the suite announced by TextRunListener.testRunStarted(Description) have finished.
testRunStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called before any tests have been run.
testRunStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Notifies that a test with structure given by desc is going to be run next.
testRunStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called before any tests of a suite described by desc have been run.
testRunStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called before any tests of a suite described by desc have been run.
testSetField() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest.TestAll
testSetField() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.AccessorTest
testStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when an atomic test is about to be started.
testStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when an atomic test is about to be started.
testStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when an atomic test is about to be started.
testSuiteFinished(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.ExtRunListener
Called when a test suite has finished, whether the test suite succeeds or fails.
testSuiteFinished(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when a test suite has finished, whether the test suite succeeds or fails.
testSuiteFinished(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when a test suite has finished, whether the test suite succeeds or fails.
testSuiteFinished(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when a test suite has finished, whether the test suite succeeds or fails.
testSuiteStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.ExtRunListener
Called when a test suite is about to be started.
testSuiteStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunListener
Called when a test suite is about to be started.
testSuiteStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.SeqRunListener
Called when a test suite is about to be started.
testSuiteStarted(Description) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Called when a test suite is about to be started.
TestTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestTreeCellRenderer
Creates a new TestTreeCellRenderer instance.
TextRunListener - Class in eu.simuline.testhelpers
A simple RunListener which notifies of the events while running tests by text output.
TextRunListener() - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TextRunListener
Creates a new TextRunListener instance.
thrw - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
Represents a throwable or is null if no throwable is represented.
thrwAccessible(Method) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
thrwMessager - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
Is empty iff GUIRunner.StackTraceLister.thrw is null and contains the string representation of the represented throwable GUIRunner.StackTraceLister.thrw.
thrwToString(Throwable) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer
thrwWrongArgs(Method) - Static method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert
time - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
If this testcase is a single testcase which has been finished, this is the span of time required to run this test.
TIME_SCHEDULED - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
TIME_SUITE - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
toString() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.TestCase
Returns the string representation of TestCase.desc for suites and a representation including TestCase.qual for singular tests.
treeModel - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
A model of the tree of testsuites and tests.
TreePathIterator(JTree, int) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
treePathUpdater - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator
Decides how to update the current path: For the first path, just inkoke ***** .
TreePathUpdater() - Constructor for enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater
treeSelection - Variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper


UNSPECIFIED_CLASS - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.Accessor
String denoting an unspecified class.
updateG() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
updateLabels() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StatisticsTestState
Updates all labels if a counter has changed.
updatePath(GUIRunner.TreePathIterator) - Method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater
updatePathI() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator


validate() - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
Overridden for performance reasons.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.StackTraceLister
If an entry is selected, move with emacs to the according place.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestCaseLister
Called whenever the value of the selection changes.
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.HierarchyWrapper
Called whenever the value of the selection changes.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Assert.CmpObj
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TreePathIterator.TreePathUpdater
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.simuline.testhelpers.Quality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERTI_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
Represents the vertical space used for the boundary.
VERTI_FRAME - Static variable in class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner
The vertical size of the frame.


XLabel(String) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
XLabel(Icon) - Constructor for class eu.simuline.testhelpers.GUIRunner.TestListCellRenderer.XLabel
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