All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
CClass |
Represents a component class.
CClass.SClassDecl |
CClass.SClassModifier |
Enumerates the class modifier for an SClass :
input and output.
CClassBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of CClassListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
CClassLexer |
CClassLink |
Represents a link to a CClass which also implements this interface.
CClassListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
CClassParser .
CClassLoader |
CClassLoader.ClassResolver |
CClassLoader.Occurrence |
Represents the occurrence of an instance of a CClass
as a component of a CInstance .
CClassParser |
CClassParser.Add2DefMapContext |
CClassParser.AddAccessModifierContext |
CClassParser.AddDefContext |
CClassParser.AddMapContext |
CClassParser.AddProbAllocContext |
CClassParser.AddToIdDomContext |
CClassParser.AppendFormulaContext |
CClassParser.AppendOpContext |
CClassParser.AppendTokenContext |
CClassParser.CClassContext |
CClassParser.ComponentContext |
CClassParser.ComponentsContext |
CClassParser.EffectContext |
CClassParser.EffectsContext |
CClassParser.FormulaWrapper |
CClassParser.GetDistrContext |
CClassParser.GetPathContext |
CClassParser.GetSuperClassContext |
CClassParser.MapsContext |
CClassParser.ReplDistrContext |
CClassParser.SkipFormulaContext |
CInstance |
Instance of Component.
ClassLocator |
Locates a class within a library.
Deficiency |
Represents a Deficiency.
DeficiencyMap |
Describes a map between Deficiency 's
of one type to another one.
DeficiencyMapTest |
Created: Mon May 23 21:23:07 2005
DeficiencyMapTest.TestAll |
DeficiencyNode |
Wraps a Deficiency and serves as a node in the graph
describing the relation \implies .
DeficiencySetNode |
Resolvation of a property within an SClass
into elementary stochastically independent properties.
FlatCInstance |
Instance of Component.
FlatCInstance.InstDef |
Formula |
Represents a formula which is either a constant, a variable
or composed via an operator.
Formula.Comp |
Represents a compound formula, i.e. one defined via an operation.
Formula.Const |
Represents a constant interpreted as atomic formula.
Formula.Var |
Represents a variable interpreted as atomic formula.
FormulaBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of FormulaListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
FormulaDecl |
Represents a formula declaration which is either a constant, a variable
or composed via an operator.
FormulaDecl.Comp |
FormulaDecl.Const |
Represents atomic formulae consisting of a constant only.
FormulaDecl.Var |
Represents atomic formulae consisting of a variable only.
FormulaLexer |
FormulaListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
FormulaParser .
FormulaParser |
FormulaParser.AddFormulaContext |
FormulaParser.CompFormulaContext |
FormulaParser.ConstFormulaContext |
FormulaParser.FormulaContext |
FormulaParser.PathContext |
FormulaParser.VarFormulaContext |
InstanceLocator |
Locates a class within a library.
MapDecl |
Represents the declaration of a map.
Operation |
Represents the operations as intersection, union, complement,
covariant and contravariant functors and maps.
Operation.BaseOps |
Comprises the basic set theoretic operations
union, intersection and complement.
Operation.CompOp |
Defines the basic set theoretic complement.
Operation.Eval |
Operation.Functor |
Enumerates the kinds of functors covariant and contravariant ones
Operation.IntsOp |
Defines the basic set theoretic intersection.
Operation.Maps |
Represents an operation defined by a covariant/contravariant functor
Operation.UnionOp |
Defines the basic set theoretic union complement.
Package |
Represents a Package of a model class,
no matter whether Effect or Component.
ProbDistr |
Represents a probability distribution.
ProbDistr.Inverter |
Enumeration of inverters: the trivial inverter
and the canonical inverter.
ProbDistr.Validator |
Contains some information on validity and degeneracy
of a ProbDistr and also the fundamental figures
to compute probabilities in case of validity and non-degenracy.
Project |
Enables an xml parser to read a relana project file
like src/test/resources/eu/simuline/relana/proj.rml
serving both as ContentHandler and as ParseExceptionHandler
as it implements ProjectDesc to hold the result of reading,
i.e. the content.
ProjectDesc |
Represents a relana project as specified in a project file
like src/test/resources/eu/simuline/relana/proj.rml .
Relana |
Relana's main class containing the main method only.
RelanaTest |
Created: Mon May 23 21:23:07 2005
RelanaTest.TestAll |
SClass |
Describes classes of Effects ('services').
SClassBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of SClassListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
SClassLexer |
SClassListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
SClassParser .
SClassLoader |
SClassParser |
SClassParser.AddDeficiencyContext |
SClassParser.AddMapContext |
SClassParser.AddPathContext |
SClassParser.AddRelationContext |
SClassParser.AddRelationsContext |
SClassParser.GetCheckedDeficienciesContext |
SClassParser.GetDeficienciesContext |
SClassParser.GetInnerClsContext |
SClassParser.GetPathContext |
SClassParser.GetSuperClassContext |
SClassParser.SClassContext |
SInstance |
Represents the instance of an SClass .
Type |
VerifyException |
Exception during verification of a class.